Tuesday 27 January 2015

How to Improve Page Rank

Why you’re Page Rank is not Increasing

The actual Page Rank is a link analysis algorithm introduced by Google in the year 1998 and it is mathematically rescaled by Google out 0f 100. This is the actual formula that tells Google which website has more importance and deserves to be ranked higher.

The Page Rank that is popular amongst bloggers and webmasters is the Google Toolbar Page Rank which has always remained the hot topic in SEO forums and blogs. Of course most of you know that the Toolbar Page Rank is a number between 0 and 10 which is based on the number of incoming links pointing to a site. It is updated mostly four times in a year.
The answer is a straight no! It is true that PR is scaled on the number of do follow links that point to your blog or site, but if that was the only source to achieve high PR then why does Page Rank drop for some? and why do blogs with just few links rank higher than those with several incoming links? Google robots look carefully at three factors:
•        Significance of your incoming links
•        Balance of your Incoming and Outgoing links,
•        Use of your Current Page Rank.
Let’s discuss these three phrases one by one.

1. Significance of Your Incoming Links:

Google scans World Wide Web every fraction of second and crawls and indexes pages in its databases continuously. It looks for quality websites with good generated content and categorizes them separately from those forums, webs or blogs that publish poor content, old stories and violate copyrights. When sites with rich authority and sites with PR greater than 2 (i.e. PR>2) link to you, your blog starts attracting Google spiders and forces them to pay you proper respect because you have been recommended (linked) by a blog that has already won reputation in the eyes of Google for the past 4 months and above. So significance is actually referring to whether sites that link to you have some PR or not. The higher a site's PR the greater its significance. Can there be a difference in who is linking you? Yes there lies a big gap. Follow the table below,

2. Balance between Incoming and Outgoing links:

Make sure to link external sites only when needed. When you link external link , you are indirectly sharing your PR with that site. Linking low quality websites or linking I frame pages etc often affects your PR. Of course your outgoing links will always be greater than your incoming links but keep the ratio between them as low as possible. This is indeed one of the best optimization strategies which is highly recommended.
If your incoming links are 100 and outgoing links are 10,000 then the chances of a PR drop is certain. One way of keeping external links low is to Tag them as no follow. The no follow tag will only allow your readers to visit that link but that link will not be crawled by Google robots.

3. Use of your Current Page Rank

Now this phrase has a complete different meaning. This will answer the question that why you’re Page Rank drops when you have done nothing wrong.
You lose your Ad Sense Account when you violate Google Terms of Services; similarly you lose your Page Rank when you disobey the rules set by Google Page Rank team. It is been clearly mentioned several times by Matt Cuts and other webmaster help members that Page Rank should not be misused. Misusing means selling links on your website to link builders especially webhosting companies. Selling links is equal to recommending a website to Google just for the sake of money and not because of quality content. When you receive a PR 3 or above, many link builders will contact and pay you to add their link to one of your high ranked post. They will pay you as high as $200 per link for one year or all time. Money is something that no one can resist thus they commit this crime and upon next crawl of your page, Google detects that a new irrelevant link has been added to your post which was previously not present and then the robot scans other pages of your blog and finally comes to a conclusion "Link Sell Detected!"  Thus on next update you lose your hard earned PR. Please do not worry about revenue, give more value to readership and social rank. Revenue will naturally follow up.

The Significance of Page Rank

Page Rank is the most important aspect when it comes to ranking high in the search engines.  High Page Rank would mean a surge in the number of quality visitors for his website. Remember that the Page Rank of your website will be taken into account by your visitor in determining the validity and the legitimacy of your website and business as a whole. Any website that is characterized by a low Page Rank is bound to fail when it comes to attracting quality visitors from search engines.
As a matter of fact Page Rank is term that is chiefly associated with search engines; it has nothing to do with pay per click form of advertising. In other words if you can succeed in getting your website to the top of the search engines by virtue of paying for the highest pay per click bid then it does not mean that your website has the highest Page Rank. On the other hand Page Rank improvement is all about driving organic traffic from the search engines. Organic traffic is the traffic that is not paid for unlike the traffic that results from a pay per click advertising campaign.

Page Rank in SEO

The Page Rank of the website that is linking to you is also equally important in SEO. Imagine you are submitting your site to an external blog or site that is not ranking high at all in the search engines. Then you would not reap great benefits in the long run when it comes to acquiring new visitors to your website. On the other hand if you have submitted your site to an external site that is enjoying very high position in the search engines then you can simply relax and watch your business grow by leaps and bounds. This is the unique advantage of submitting your business website to a website with a good Page Rank. The Page Ranks of the subpages of the website also count a lot when it comes to search engine optimization.

How to Improve Page Rank?

You would do well to submit your link to the subpages of the external websites that maintain high Page Ranks too. This is a very challenging task when it comes to submission of links. Hence it is advisable to approach an expert SEO company in sorting out problems related to link submission and link building. The experienced SEO company caters to all the SEO needs of your website and can guarantee a high Page Rank for your website in the course of time.

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