Monday 26 January 2015

Write SEO Friendly Article

The main Optimization is to write a SEO Optimized post or content. The most of your search engine optimization is done while writing your blog post. I mean to say you should have a right approach to write a post.

Here I am going to describe some of essential elements and techniques that you must use to make your blog post better SEO optimized. With these elements, tricks and your patience, you can occupy the top place of search engine result page. Following things matter a lot in SEO. Of course, not all case are alike. Sometimes, it depends on competition, popularity etc. Read the following matters carefully. Whatever you write, first plan your main topic before writing post. Research your topic for latest information and how you should write or present information. Be sure, reader can find the main topic at the beginning of post.
By Optimizing content, I mean the optimization for both your readers and search engines. In this post, I am going to give a detailed description for optimizing your content. You may write an awesome article, but if it’s not discoverable in search engines, you are missing a good amount of traffic.
Let’s start with these basic tips to optimize blog posts.

Content Optimization Tips:

Publish High Quality Content: When you write post for your blog, make sure that you publish high quality content. It should be keyword rich with at most 3% of keyword density. Also assure that you only publish original content to your blog. It should not be copied from anywhere otherwise Google will punish you for that and you lose your rankings in search results.
Create fresh and quality contents: Give your readers something new every time they visit your blog. Update often and give importance to latest trends and news and updates regarding your niche.
Focus on your topic: If you are writing about traffic tips, stay focused on that topic. Provide in depth and detailed information to cover that topic. The visitors will soon leave once they find anything unrelated to the subject. You can make use of images and videos to make your subject more clear and enjoyable.
You can sub-divide your contents in paragraphs under different sub heading names.
Avoid errors: Give your readers an easy to understand article with no spelling or grammatical errors. You are loosing your credibility by such small errors.
Do not write for search engine: Optimizing your content for search engines is different from writing for search engines. Keep it in mind. Inserting various unnecessary keywords intended primarily to attain higher search engine ranking may annoy your readers
Unique and relevant Content: Google robots love to visit and enjoy unique content in order to serve its users with relevant and quality content. Good quality articles bring you a lot of traffic while posting same articles.

Reducing the Bounce rate of your website: Bounce rate means that how many visitors come to your website and skip. To Reduce it, you should follow some tips-
1. Attractive template and design of website
2. Do not make your website a fish of ads and advertisements.
3. Fast loading time is also an another factor.
4. At last, Unique and good quality content.
Write for users first: Google, Yahoo, etc., have pretty powerful bots crawling the web, but to my knowledge these bots have never bought anything online, signed up for a newsletter, or picked up the phone to call about your services. Humans do those things, so write your page copy with humans in mind. Yes, you need keywords in the text, but don’t stuff each page like a Thanksgiving turkey. Keep it readable.
Use a Single Keyword: It is wise to use only a single keyword for a single post. You should have a main keyword and 2/3 related keywords for optimizing your post. The main keyword must have a good search. Always plan your keyword giving time in research. Find a low competitive and good searched keywords. You may read how to use keywords in blog post.
Ideal and Unique Title: Title is the main part of a post. Visitors first read the title. If he is finds the topic what he is searching, he may proceed to read the full post. So make the title catchy to readers eyes. For this, you title should be as much as short, clear and easy to understand. Keep your title within 66 characters as Google does not display more than 66 characters.
For example:
Bad Title: Collection of Smartphones That Has Been Released in This year.
Optimized Title: The Best Smartphones of 2013
Link Building with Articles: Since the visitors reach your blog or website right from the search engines most of them search for the reliable article directories to find articles on the products and services they are looking for. Hence as a growing Internet marketer you will do well to submit thought provoking articles that speak volumes about the pros and cons of your product or service to the most popular article directories across the Web. Make sure that the article directories you choose are positioned well in the search engines. In other words they should have high PageRanks since the visitors easily reach the directory that is seen in the first page of the search results. Hence PageRank of the article directory to which you submit your articles should be taken into account. In Writing Articles Use a distinctive method of writing articles.
Instead of writing only about your product or service you should write more about the nature of the product in general and its applicability and its other features before including a link to your website in the article.
Do not make your article appear like spam
Do not stuff it with keywords. Use the keywords sparingly in the article.
Give an impression to the reader that you are not trying to sell your product desperately.
Instead attract the visitor towards your website or blog and initiate him to try your product or service. This is all about link building with articles.
Catchy Meta Description: You know meta description is another important thing which is displayed in search result page below the title. Search Engine mainly uses the title and meta description to find and show a content to visitors. So, be sure you meta description can attract visitors and search bots. Use main keyword in description and try to describe the main topic in 160 characters.
Use Synonyms: Don't use the same words too much. Sometimes, many puts keywords again and again as he they think it can help to gain the first place on SERP. Don't you think it loses the beauty of your content. So rely on synonyms not using the same word again and again. But also remember your keyword density should be 2% or 3% of total texts in the page.
Use Proper Heading Tags: Use heading tags to describe your post in categories. Suppose, You are writing a post about Galaxy Note 3. The title is H1. Now you can categorize its features in Display, Network, Battery etc. These categories should be H2.
Use Keyword Based Internal Links: You can use links with keywords to related older posts in your site or other related sites (nofollow). Google put importance in links or anchor texts. Not only that, it also increases your page view and thus decrease bounce rate.
Add Image Alt and Title Tag: Search Engine can not read images until you add a 'alt' tag to image. Google can only read text. So name your image what it is about. Then Search Engine can recognize the image. It is better to use the main keyword as alt and title tag.
Use Bold and Italic Text: Keep important words, Phrases and Lines bold or Italic. But remember bold and italic texts help readers. Everything you do must be visitors friendly.
Related and Updated Content: Your post should be related with your visitors and website. That means write such posts that your visitors want. Unrelated and old content can not satisfy your visitors.
Fresh and Clean: Always try to keep your post well described. Try to divide the post in category, make some paragraphs. Long paragraph breaks readers attention. So, keep the information in such way that visitors find easy to understand and read with attention.
Above described are very important in writing a SEO optimized post or content. It means overnight you can get the top ranking in search engine result page. It needs time, patience and excellence. Remember you are writing to satisfy visitors not only search engines. Put importance on visitor's need and write post following the above steps, it is sure you can better than others. Keep visiting for newer posts.
Write High Quality Content with Word Count and Well Format: Always try to write high quality content with enough word count and well format that search engine can easily crawl your content. Write such content that relates to your site and what visitors want. You must be careful of writing with quality and well format that visitors find it easy to read and enjoy the post. Each post should be enough long to put keywords and provide detail information. So, try to write more than 250 words in a single post. To increase visitors and search ranking, write daily or maintain regularity if it is not possible in daily.
Write a lot of content: The more content you have, the more chances you have of ranking different pages on your website. Unless you do a lot of research, you probably won’t know what keywords will give you the most traffic until you accumulate enough traffic data over time.
Provide valuable and informative content on each page and post: If your content doesn’t provide any value to your visitors, or if it is directly copied from another source, it will have little to no SEO value and isn’t worth adding.
Don’t make your pages too long: Long pages won’t hurt your SEO, but if you separate topically relevant sections into new pages, each of those new pages has a better chance of ranking for different keywords.
Don’t make your pages too short: There are no minimums for page length, but a good rule of thumb is to aim for at least 250 words. If you do not have much content on a page, the search engines might consider the page unimportant.
Good content is linkable: From an SEO perspective, there is no difference between the best and worst content on the Internet if it is not linkable. If people can’t link to it, search engines will be very unlikely to rank it, and as a result the content won’t drive traffic to the given website. Unfortunately, this happens a lot more often than one might think. A few examples of this include: AJAX-powered image slide shows, content only accessible after logging in, and content that can't be reproduced or shared. Content that doesn't supply a demand or is not linkable is bad in the eyes of the search engines—and most likely some people, too.
Original Content: (articles, text, images, videos, presentations, infographics, comments etc.) – No copies or re-writes of existing articles
Content published on your website first:  Even if it’s your own content, if you have already published it on another website then it’s not good for your site.
Content that includes text as well: Try to have text to accompany your non-text content. For example if you post videos on your website try to add a text description as well. If you add images try to describe in words what the image is all about.
Content that is useful: Don’t publish content for the sake of publishing. Before hitting the publish button make sure that what goes live adds value to your website.
Content that is well researched: Users don’t want to read quickly prepared posts and neither does search engines. If you are writing about a certain topic or answering a question make sure that what you write is justified and covers both sites of a story. Long articles are proven to rank better than short articles.
Posting frequency:  2 things are important when it comes to posting frequency. First is to have fresh content on your website and second to establish a publishing strategy and stick to it.
A Frequently-Updated Blog with Awesome Content: Just a few years ago, blogs weren’t thought of as a way for companies to publish content, build their brand, grow their audience, and build authority in their field. Now, they’re an absolute necessity.
In my own testing, I’ve already seen a 51.38% average increase in Google organic search traffic since publishing daily blog content with custom images, offering valuable insights.   
Perfect Post Length: The post length of your website must be perfect. Perfect means that according to topic, the length of post changes. The minimum post length must be 350 words, where as if your website is for suggestion or such niche then the post must not be so large, it must be maximum 600-800 words as visitor never like to read long articles. Divide your post into paragraphs and points.
Aim for at least 2000-words when targeting competitive keywords.
Expand Your Content: It's very important that you create completely separate pages for each service, product or location your business offers instead of simply lumping them all together on one page. This will give Google/Bing more content pages to crawl that are more specific to what your business is doing.
Make sure you diversify all the content as much as possible especially when working with multiple locations. Write specific content that's unique and engaging for each separate page.
Look for Duplicate Content: Duplicate content can be a huge optimization killer. The problem is Google can't easily determine which piece of content is the correct one to index and associate with the link credit. This causes your overall page's rank to decrease. You can view duplicate content in Google Webmaster tools or use 3rd party tools like SEOMoz to help audit and manage duplicate content. Much of the duplicate content that occurs in Joomla (due to categories, tags, etc) can be cleaned up with SH404SEF and/or .htaccess rewrites.
Your UNIQUE Content still is King: Having unique content, lots of it and updated frequently is going to be your best optimization! Every page you write has the potential to be the next big landing page that people see when searching. There are certain things that you have to watch out for, though:
Content above the fold: Having over 60% of the article content above the fold (the place where the screen cuts off the article on the bottom) is essential. If most of the article is below, consider shrinking your header image, logo or anything else that's pushing your content down!
Good content supplies a demand: Just like the world’s markets, information is affected by supply and demand. The best content is that which does the best job of supplying the largest demand. It might take the form of an XKCD comic that is supplying nerd jokes to a large group of technologists or it might be a Wikipedia article that explains to the world the definition of Web 2.0. It can be a video, an image, a sound, or text, but it must supply a demand in order to be considered good content.
Quality Content: The content on your page should always be high quality, written specifically for your target visitor. Don't focus on the length of the content, although each page should have a minimum of 300 words so the search engines have enough content to crawl. Some blog posts can get their point across in just a few hundred words while some will require thousands of words. Make it a point to produce content that your visitors will enjoy reading.
Body of the Article: Body of the article is the actual area which should be focused more. First, do a quick research of most used keywords using Google Adwords keyword tool and make a note of it. Suggested keyword usage is 5 to 6 for a 500 word article i.e., 2 to 4 % ratios. Don’t do any keyword stuffing. Use synonyms wherever necessary.
The ideal length of an article is 400 to 800 words. As lengthy articles make users are not liked by many, try to write short and informative articles.
Tip: Internal linking is a very good SEO technique. Link to your old articles wherever you find a chance.
Articles with little or no traffic at all: Not all the articles on your blog will get the same or similar traffic. Some posts may rank higher and bring in more traffic while some may not be seen anywhere in the top 100 results. In such cases, try to find those and optimize them with proper keywords so that they can get ranked well.
Tip: Try to make use of the Google Analytics tool in order to get the visitor information.
Go to Content > Site Content > Landing Pages. You’ll get the visitor information of all your posts from all sources.
Now, select the option ‘Secondary dimension’ and choose ‘Traffic sources’ > Medium.
Next, click on the ‘advanced’ link beside the search box and input the word ‘organic’ in the text box while including the option ‘medium’ intact.
Next, click on the ‘Visits’ tab to segregate the data in the ascending order (from low to high).
Thus, you can find all your posts with less or ’0 visits. Now, try to optimize them.
Outdated Articles: People who’re blogging in the tech niche should continually update their blogs with the latest information (news) or else they’ll end up with pretty low traffic. As the news articles tend to expire sooner or later, those articles will be of no use to both the user as well as the search engines. So, you should always check those outdated posts and make the necessary changes.
If there is any chance of adding value to the article, then its better keep it and update the content. This is mostly apt for articles related to tricks because the old trick might not work now and so you can update such articles with the new trick. It’s just an example, you should decide what type of article it is.
In case if the news is expired and is no longer necessary, it’s better to remove those from your blog and do a proper 301 redirect to either the category page or the index page or the similar news article. I’d prefer to redirect such articles to related category pages.
Proof Reading: This is the most crucial part which is neglected by many. Always, cross check your article for any misspelled words or grammatical errors.
Revise content: The content on your blog is its bloodline. If the content it bad, the blog has no chance of surviving. So, the first task, you need to take on the blog in order to implement blog management, is review the content on your website and make formal changes to it. If you think this is too much of a task for you, hire an expert. The person who is assigned to your blog will first study your business needs and then design content that is original, helpful and SEO centric at the same time. 

Does SEO friendly content mean writing only for search engines?

Obviously yes! Because search engines now-a-days want you to provide content that is interesting as well as informative to the users or readers. So, if you write for your readers, then you make search engines happy and viceversa.

Earn Money by Writing Articles

Writing articles is one of the effective methods of earning money online. Since the number of webmasters is growing every year the need for freelance writers is also growing equally. More and more webmasters and blog owners are looking for content writers for their blogs or websites. If you are good in writing without grammar errors then you would be amazed to know that many freelancing sites are hiring writers to complete various writing jobs for blog and website owners across the globe. You can earn a sizable income too by writing articles for blogs and websites.
Niche! Niche! Niches: All you have to do is get yourself well informed about various niches so that you can write on any niche. You should be a good reader yourself to become a writer! Many webmaster forums are also providing wonderful article writing opportunities for the aspiring freelancer through their websites. Content writing has become one of the crucial aspects of Internet marketing. Hence the demand for content writers is growing day by day thanks to the importance attached to the content of any given website.
Join Freelancing Websites: All you have to do is get in touch with a popular freelancing website and register with the company that accepts outsourcing jobs. Many Internet marketers, affiliate marketers and growing webmasters are ready to outsource writing work through the popular freelancing companies. You can simply pick the job you are proficient at and complete it to earn extra cash to supplement your regular income. Many a freelance writer has quit the regular job to turn into a fulltime writer. Check your grammar and the usage of English language in order to become a champion writer! What are you waiting for? If you have writing skills then you should not hesitate to sign up for a good freelancing firm and start writing articles immediately.
Identify Low Quality Content on your Blog: Google has been continuously tweaking its search algorithm in order to give the users more appropriate results as well as the webmasters who Put-in more efforts to create quality content with top rankings. In this span of optimizing its search algorithm, Google has penalized several websites and blogs that have low-quality content. So, how do you differentiate low quality content from the high quality? This particular question has been raised by many in several SEO forums but very few people have responded with appropriate solutions. So, I just thought of writing an article with the checklist that is required to identify low quality content on your own blogs.

Identify Low Quality or Thin Content: I know what you’re thinking right now! Why Google has penalized my site even though my content was original (written by me) and not copied from elsewhere? To be clear, Low quality content is nothing but the particular article/post on your blog is not able to provide full or sometimes proper information to the end-user (reader) who comes from the search listings. OK! Now, let us look at the ways of identifying the poorly written content on our blog.

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