Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Heading tag writing tips

Importance of Heading

Heading is the most important part of a web page. A heading gives a clear idea to visitors as well as search bots. A good heading describes briefly what a web page is all about. We can use 6 types of heading in a page.

Setup Internal and External Links

What are Internal and External Links?

Internal links are links pointing to any page within your site. For example if I link an old post I am actually increasing the number of my internal links. Always keep internal links as Do-Follow.

Setup Website Page Errors

Blogger Custom Page Not Found

If you do a Google search for “Creative custom 404 pages,” you’ll see examples of people who have customized pages that would have otherwise ended up looking something like this:

How to Setup Custom Redirects

Blogger Custom Redirects

Blogs change over time -- posts and pages are added and deleted. However, it can be hard to keep track of all the links that point to URLs that no longer exist, especially if there are a lot of links to your blog from other blogs and websites. The Custom Redirects feature allows you to take an old URL, and point it to a new one.

Upload Downloadable Files in Blogger

How to Upload Downloadable Files in Blogger

Blogger is one the best blogging platforms and is used by a large number of people. Blogger provides free hosting for your content and you only need a domain name to get TLD blog. However, this free hosting service comes with a limitation that you cannot upload files to blogger other than Images and videos for your readers to download it.