Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Test Answers

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Test Questions and Answers

Question: 1
What is the use of the Monochromatic option in the Add Noise dialog box as shown in the picture?
a. It reduces noise by changing dissimilar pixels.
b. It applies the filter to only the tonal elements in the image without changing the colors. (Answer)
c. It reduces noise in an image by blending the brightness of the pixels within a selection.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Test Answers

Today Freelancing support going to share odesk and Elance Photoshop css3 test answer. By this odesk css3 test answer you will be in top 10% or 20 or 30% .. Maximum time i got this type of result by the test answer .

Photoshop 6 Test Answers

Adobe Photoshop 6.0 

Question: 1
What is the significance of "The small arrow mark" at the right side of the respective tool in the toolbar?
a. The tool is active
b. The tool also has hidden tools within it
c. Various options are provided for the tool
d. There is no such arrow mark
e. None of the above

Thursday, 5 March 2015

oDesk Joomla 1.5 Test Answers

Joomla is the one of  popular content management system. its is easy to operate . any man if have a basic idea by this CMS he can easily make a dynamic web site. so this test help you to rich your odesk & elance profile.so get this odesk joomla 1.5 test answers & strong your profile more..

Knowledge of Joomla 1.5.x Test Questions

Knowledge of Joomla 1.5.x Test Questions and Answers

Questions: 1
In the User Manager, what's the step of registration after 'submit user information'?
a. Wait for the system's approval
b. Check email and activate account
c. No further step is required. The account is automatically activated.
d. It depends on the "User Settings". The account may be enabled automatically or the user may have to activate it.