Friday, 27 February 2015

Odesk Market Research Test Answers

This test is about 40 multiple choice questions and should take less than 40 minutes to complete

Market Research Test

Question: 1
Which of the following best describes the phenomenon of 'options'?
a. The tendency to assume that things will work out well (Answer)
b. The tendency to assume that things will work out badly
c. The overestimation of low-probability negative outcomes
d. The underestimation of low-probability positive outcomes

Macromedia Flash 8 Test

Macromedia Flash 8 Test

This test is about 40 multiple choice questions and should take less than 40 minutes to complete

Outbound Sales Skills Test Questions

Outbound Sales Skills Test

Question: 1
If your prospective customer is already using a similar product as the one you are trying to sell but of a different make/company, what would you do?
a. Try and inquire about the nature of services of the product used by the customer
b. Compare your product with the one used by the customer
c. Criticize the other product
d. None of the above

Odesk PC Graphics Test Answers

PC Graphics Test

Question: 1
What is meant by the term fog?
a. The mixing of an image with a fixed color that thickens as the image's pixels get further away from the viewpoint.
b. A special type of channel used in graphics software for saving selections.
c. a technique of blending bitmap-based images and text to reduce the stair-stepping or jagged appearance. (Answer)
d. The relationship of an image's width to height or its proportions.

Twitter Developer Test Questions

oDesk Twitter Developer Test

Question: 1

Which HTTP Status code  will be returned by the Twitter API if the client exceeds the rate limit of sending requests?
a. 400
b. 401
c. 402
d. 403