Sunday, 4 January 2015

Free SEO Tools and Software

I am sharing some important link for free SEO Tools and Software for you and your company.

Software-based Resources:

Web CEO Support:
Internet Business Promoter Ebook:

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Odesk Email Etiquette Certification Test Answers

odesk email etiquette certification
Email etiquette test

Email Etiquette Certification is a well know test to measure a job candidate’s skill about Email. Actually remote job provider who works with remote freelancer them choice the candidates who have good score on Email Etiquette test. The man who pass Email Etiquette test they easily get remote VA , admin support , call center , blog admin & most relevant ad min support job. So pass the test & rich your freelancing marketplace profile
Since joining oDesk Freelancing job one has to pass some certification test for increasing his betterment in oDesk team.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

oDesk Google Adwords Test Answers

odesk google adwords test
Google adwords test
This test is about 30 multiple choice questions and should take less than 30 minutes to complete

Test Contents:
Setting AdWords Budgets
AdWords Reports
Designing Your AdWords Ad
AdWords Concepts
Advanced AdWords Features
Setting up an AdWords ad Campaign

Friday, 12 December 2014

Updated Odesk Office Skills Test Answers 2014

odesk office skill test
Odesk office skill test
oDesk Rule and regulation of Office Skills Test :
Office Skills Test:
Read the Online Testing Policies and the instructions below prior to taking the test
This test will cover the following topics:
Basic Office Skills
Basic Computer Skills
Interpersonal Office Skills
Office Procedures

Thursday, 11 December 2014

Updated Odesk Social Media Marketing Test Questions-Answers

odesk social media marketing test
Social Media test
Social media marketing test is for social media optimizer. You should take this test before apply on social media marketing job. As a freelancer if you want to work as a online marketer you need to pass odesk social media marketing SMM test . Because expats says building back link era has gone it is high time to promote customer media.